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*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*
Intro Song –
- [artist] Desmond Dekker
- [song] Shantytown (007)
Host intros –
Passions, likes, dislikes, favorite colors.
Guest –
- [Name] Ali Havens
- [About] One half of the gorgeous Liberty Belle Radio duo.
- [URL] www.SpittingWisdom.com (soon to be –www.LibertyBellesRadio.com)
Curmudgeon Corner –
- Obama Kills Osama “Collectible” Figurine
- I’m the only person who hates The Beastie Boys – 280
- People in PA are fat, ugly and angry
- Why are there no hot women at the laundromat as promised by television?
- You know your beer is shitty (Coors Light) when you hire hot girls to fake flirt with guys to get them to buy the beer the girls are pimping
- Why can’t I get packages on the weekend?
Read them!!!!!
Shove it in your pie-hole –
- [drink] Wolaver’s Pumpkin Ale
- [drink] Barefoot Merlot
- [smoke] NUB 358 Conneticut | 3.7×58
News –
- I can’t believe these are laws – Luthor
- VT Floods… Crazy
- BBC News – US scientists ‘knew Guatemala syphilis tests unethical’
- Federal Court Says You Can Record the Cops
- 1 in 10 Dead Bosses Are Murdered
- UK Man Mounts Traffic War Using Pedestrian Crosswalk Button
- [artist] The Specials
- [song] Sock it to ‘Em
More News –
New & Cool –
- Infographic on James Bond’s Cars
- Wacom Inkling May Become My Favorite Gadget of All Time
- BMW’s Ultimate Drive app for Android
- The world’s most astonishing illegal street race
- Badass Airgun – Luthor
- www.MovieBoozer.com
- Camera Comics
Flick-fessions –
- [Puke]
- The Expendables – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1320253/
- [280]
- [Luthor]
Game –
- Who would win in a fight? (Come up with a hypothetical battle to the death, and debate who would win.)
- [280] – Hulk Hogan vs Paul Hogan
- [Luthor] – Sherlock Holmes vs. Indiana Jones
- [Puke] – Madonna vs Lady Googly Moogly
Outro Song –
- [artist] The Toasters
- [song] Matt Davis: Special Agent