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*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*
Intro Song –
- [artist] Stiff Little Fingers
- [song] Alternative Ulster
Host intros –
Passions, likes, dislikes, favorite colors, bunnys.
Guest –
- [Name] Michael Garcia
- [About] Mexo-guay-domin-arican, Bread guy, Baby Maker. NH politico/civil disobedient?
Curmudgeon Corner –
- Kids. Loud enough to drive you insane, but you’re a dick if you ask them to be quiet.
- WTF with the editing episode seven Luthor?! / Everyone
- I want a crew neck t-shirt without sleeves. -Puke
- The trench of filth around can drink spouts.
- Top 10 juggalo attacks
- Individual creamer containers that spew every time you open them.
- How do characters in Star Trek etc. know how to read/use alien computers?
- Associating colors with sex (male / female)
- Belts suck. I’m switching to suspenders. – Luthor
- Why are freekeeners trying to take back the square/reach out to juggalos?
- Supercuts has failed me again! Why can’t the do a fade? -Puke
Shove it in your pie-hole –
- [drink] Carolyn bought us beer!
- [eat] Nothing! We’re fasting for whorled peas.
- [smoke] None this week; my apartment stinks. -Puke
News –
- A Man Survived After Being Impaled Through His Eye Socket with Pruning Shears
- Quality control, Chrysler style
- This Machine Liquifies Human Bodies
- Curse you, Sun! Damn you straight to hell! – Luthor
- [artist] Stiff Little Fingers
- [song] Harp
More News –
- This Idiot Casually Stole 250 Gallons of Gas from a Local Citgo
- Cops hassling Amish again. This time for their buggies. – Luthor
- Girl pulls a Maybe (Faking cancer to get money)
- 2 men treat dead friend to night on the town, on dead man’s tab
Flick-fessions –
- [Puke]
- [280]
- [Micheal]
Outro Song –
- [artist] Stiff Little Fingers
- [song] Half a Life Away