*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*
Private Chunnel Lounge
Come on in and grab a seat. Light a cigar and pour a whiskey while we entertain you, our honored guest.
~Solar Eclipse 2017!
~ Future Man! (Sorry, Puke is dumb and forgot it’s New Man)
News –
~ [dale] Driving long distance makes you dumb.
~ [p] “Cash Me Ouside” Girl Update
~ [p] Researchers find way to mess up autonomous vehicles.
~ [ Puke Facebook of Rage ]
~~~The stupid walmart be a hero sign over a gun case
~~~the google engineer
~Cody O’Connor evicted from Ian’s Keene flophouse.
*** Thanks for listening. Your mother would be so disappointed. ***