The Discomfort Zone – S04E03: Good Luck! Don’t Be Yourself!
Introduced as “quite possibly most annoying episode of The Discomfort Zone ever.” But do Andrew and Brett deliver?!?! You decide. Andrew has a romantic experience and declares himself “Fit Costanza.” Brett understands what Andrew is saying; he is also fit, neurotic, and has had romantic experiences in his life too. Together they’ve taken…
Episode 466: Alex asks why there is shame around nudity and bodily functions. Brett asks the gang a question. Andrew is afraid of the show succeeding. Puke moves Air BNB’s.
The Discomfort Zone – S04E02: Get Out!
Listener and friend Jay joins us again, helping us launch our new rotating TDZ format (Brett’s pain point -> Andrew’s pain point -> listener pain point).
465: You know what? Boy butt!
Episode 465: Puke is now in LA and surrounded by the loudest of people in an ABNB that isn’t a stand-alone house. Andrew and Brett went to South Carolina for the pineapples. What would you do if you would die in five minutes? Trying to pee in a cup inside of a car.
PCL230: CA 5 – Schmillicon Valley
PCL230: This is Puke’s last day in Fremont, California. He went to see the Golden Gate Bridge one last time and was rewarded for his patience. Puke also has updates on being paranoid in SanFran, selling his house, trading crypto, work stress, and a new microphone.
464: The Guy Who Didn’t Want to Touch Wood
Episode 464: Kidney stones, brushes with death, wearing gloves, having back-ups, getting bored, a grim Wal-Mart future, the kitchen whisk, and a dishwasher rant.
463: The Sacrificial Lamp
Episode 463: We’ve decided to change the format of the show to a coffee table book. Are women more attractive based on their name alone? Should a man wear slippers outside the house? Will VR ruin the world? What is the problem with the new gym? We answer none of these questions.