580: What Animal Does Marshmallow Come From?
Episode 580: Brett and Gabe join us this week to share a special announcement! Andrew realizes that men get old and only talk about their various pains. We try Mexican wheat wafers. Debate ensues about ox tail, candy corn, marshmallows, Lucky Charms, and licorice. Our PATG plungers are still at Porcfest! Puke passes on the…
579: Rollercoaster of Failure
Episode 579: NEW timer! Puke and Nick have the new website and new podcast feed ready to go. Andrew wants to tell kids to not get old. Puke is old though so he plays disc golf. Kayaks. T-Swift is in PGH. The liberal reign is over. Kaczynski is dead. A man that cuts hair and…
578: Explain Why They Would Want Us Jerking Off. (What’s In It For Them?)
Episode 578: Puke kind of deleted the website. However with Nick’s help we now have a new site which needed to be fixed anyway. Andrew finds Puke’s Army BCG glasses. Brett learns what a lathe is. Andrew buys yet another old car and a trailer. Brett goes Hare Krishna. Salt.
577: Beyond Fluffhood
Episode 577: There was time when Andrew discovered fluff. Bagels. Puke grills chicken. Big bowls and big salads. Brett eats slower. Basal Metabolic Rate. Crepes. Puke found a good use for AI. Andrew is getting old and getting tired. Powerpoint karaoke. Facebook shows Andrew attractive actresses. Memorial Day weekend amnesia. Poop deck.