
589: Swedish Taxi

589: Swedish Taxi

Recording Date – 05 / Sep / 2023

The Gang – Andrew & Puke

Intro Song – “In the Beginning” by Genesis

Break Song – “ABACAB” by Genesis

Outro Song – “Disconnected Youth” by The God Awfuls

Guest –  Brett

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Talkings About – 

~ Even Stephen Day

~ Carrying a couch down the street.

~ Rip a beef!

~ Is Tim Pool ripping us off?

~ Animal size comparison.

~ Peter Gabrieal for some reason. / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnVf1ZoCJSo 

~ When are music videos released?

~ Genesis

~ Monkey, Monkey, Monkey

~ Phil Collins, Sting, or Genesis

~ Meet Tim Pool / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ICe8_pFxNo 


~ Arpeggio

~ Ditch Number

~ Beef Alarm!

~ Brett spends the weekend with a bunch of dumb women. 

~ Grilled pizza.

~ Centrifugal vs centripetal / https://www.wired.com/2009/04/centripetal-vs-centrifugal-word-origins/ 

~ Pizza spinning contest.

~ Andrew dream.

~ Puke gets vandalized.

~ Cart Narcs / https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMUlr8yHymYgSe58DpUH7w 

~ Squeeze the creamer.

~ 8 Day Miata Cruise

~ Rhinoceros

~ The town that saved Christmas. / https://pawilds.com/wellsboro-the-town-that-saved-christmas/#:~:text=Here%20begins%20the%20story%20of,leading%20glass%20Christmas%20ornament%20supplier

~ Praying before meals.