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*Attention: This show is so old it’s in the ARCHIVES now! For exclusive access to the MP3 version of this show, head over to our Patreon page!*
Intro Song –
- [artist] The Pietasters
- [song] Wrong With You
Guest –
- [Name] Justin
- [About] Another bread man.
Story Time! –
Joey’s Diner last night with waiter Sigfried; Luthor waiting at Panera.
Curmudgeon Corner –
- [andrew] Ethnic sensitivity. (then talk about the Inuit story-puke)
- [andrew] Use the phone as a phone!
- [andrew] Fuck you Twitter!
- [puke] Speeding ticket pre-trial hearing in 2 days.
Shove it in your pie-hole –
- [drink] Justin brought Tullamore Dew
- [food] Luthor’s homemade pineapple candy
- [smoke] Don Diego Fuerte Corona
News –
- [andrew] Most intense diet ever
- [luthor] Motorhead to fans: Don’t buy our new box set
- [andrew] PETA kills almost all of its animals
- [artist] The Pietasters
- [song] Set Me Up
More News –
- [puke] This Inuit Delicacy Is the Turducken from Hell
- [andrew] The Saddest Most Horrible Thing Ever
- [andrew] Jeremy Clarkson = Awesome / Tesla = Dumb
- [puke] Police ‘Tank’ Purchase Riles New Hampshire Town
New & Cool –
- [puke] Since 1997, A Man Has Been Digging Out His Basement Using Only R/C Scale-Model Construction Equipment
- [luthor] The Aquabats Super Show!
- –Play this song (Start at 0:44)
- [puke] Future Earbuds Won’t Care If You Mix Up Left and Right
- [puke] Le-Maine-Ade (maple syrup lemonade)
Media-Gasm –
- [puke]
- [280]
- [luthor]
- [justin]
Outro Song –
- [artist] The Pietasters
- [song] Stone Feeling
Always know where the camera is.
Luthor doesn’t care for booze no more… 🙁
…so he just gets ice.
Luthor made candy too! 😀
Too much deliciousness for Puke to handle.
The very good and hoppy Sierra Nevada Ruthless Rye.