
591: What States Do You Think Fucks the Most Dogs?

591: What States Do You Think Fucks the Most Dogs?

Recording Date – 20 / Sep / 2023

The Gang – Andrew & Puke

Intro Song – “Aus Und Vorbei” by OHL

Break Song – “Aus und Vorbei” by Sohne Mannheims 

Outro Song – “Raum Der Zeit” by Wizo

Guest –  Brett

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Talkings About – 

~ Accused of rape.

~ Russel Brand penis.

~ Who was born in Pittsburgh?

~ The old studio location in Puke’s basement.

~ Old show titles.

~ Find the biggest cunts and make an offer.

~ Dog fucker

~ Puke is loving the AI in Photoshop.

~ Brett needs to poop.

~ Pillow Hitler.

~ Waking up with numb limbs.

~ Cricket

~ Larceny vs arsony

~ Andrew is a sneakerhead now.

~ Shumas

~ Andrew’s last race of the year.

~ Puke wants to race now.

~ Still playing hockey.