596: Watching the Slop Slosh In the Slots
Episode 596: Who doesn’t love Mexican Polka? Brett gets a goya bean guitar while being filled with awe. Uncle Dijon explains the way Andrew does. Trick or treaters from the other neighborhoods. Miranda is the worst, apparently. Fartle, part 2, now with more farticipants. Bootgate. Tim Pool is coming to PGH to stalk Brett. Puke…
595: Honey Potcast
Episode 595: Andrew’s new truck impresses the union construction crew. The true cost of EV’s if they weren’t subsidized. Will AI solve ABNB or yearly reviews? More Israel/Palestine. Everything is a honey-pot. Panflute. German butt-babies. Adaptable happiness. Defeating the Comcast robot. The Doors. Andrew watches “Sex and the City” and “Destination Wedding”. Fartled awake. Bung…
594: Rotate Your Fish
Episode 594: Tim Pool is stealing our content, this time with Patrick Bet David and his exposed chest. Ted Kennedy’s head used as a size comparison. Trouble in the middle east. Buy more guns, be more prepared. Fuck you for having ears. The life of a pumpkin. Andrew gets a new truck, Puke gets to…
593: Now That We’ve All Said the Word Negro…
Episode 593: We learn about the various leagues of baseball in Pittsburgh’s past. Just kidding, we never look up any real information on this show! Andrew digs for sea glass. Brett teaches us to feel our butthole. Puke explains clams. There are deer guts on a Miata. Andrew says goodbye to Steve with a lie.…
592: Guess the Biggest Worm
Episode 592: We are joined by Alice & Danny to discuss babies on diving boards. Andrew wants to fly before 9/11. What is a yacht? Birthing tales. Can you read cursive? Choose a baby name. Bowl-o-nase? Booyah-base? Ragu? Who is Peter Gabriel? Take a second shit. Poopcopter. Andrew buys even more cars. Beware the butthole…
591: What States Do You Think Fucks the Most Dogs?
Episode 591: Current events regarding a celebrity penis! Famous men from PGH. German movie directors. The old studio location makes Andrew sad. A notebook! Dog fucker art in Andrew’s house. Pillow Hitler. Crickets! Larceny! Arsony! Shumas! Miatas! Hockey! And so much more!
590: Geez, When Are the Rapists Gonna Get Here?
Episode 590: It’s the day after China did 9/11 and Tim Pool is copying Brett’s dreams. What was the gamer-gate? Is there a drink called Bernard? Cosplay confuses Andrew. The “Sneaky Fuckers Strategy” of politics. Cover bands. Brett brings elite donuts. A PGH podcast attacks those evil property owners buying houses, Andrew takes offense. We…
589: Swedish Taxi
Episode 589: It’s the hottest Labor Day to ever be labored. Carrying couches and digging ditches. Is Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins the same man? Tim Pool may be listening. Beef alarm! Grilled pizza. Andrew dreams after driving a Miata Cruise. Puke gets vandalized. Squeeze the creamer. The town that saved Christmas.
588: Poor Polish Paul’s Problems
Episode 588: Brett stares at sack at the gym. How was everyone Spaniardly raped? Puke’s favorite image from the Trump arrest this week. Andrew is tired of PGH whites demanding parks everywhere. Puke is making a home gym. Andrew gets a candle. Thumb update! Have you heard of “retard strength”? Fishbone and Parliament in McKees…
587: Chinaleven / Crawberries
Episode 587: Do we like our laughs? What movies make us cry? Can we trust Nick Gray and his “2 Hour Cocktail Party”? Shaggy. Meet the parents in Maine. Rubbing sand on the skin. Andrew gets a new Buick; drives it to Maine and back. Remember crawdads? Puke found one. The Legion of Skanks. NH…
586: I Wish Your Thumbs Were More Broken
Episode 586: The rope swing is back! Puke goes to Sheetz. Andrew has a thumb. Old Buick’s. Boat slip-n-slide. A groundhog, a squirrel, and an alligator. Park yoga lady. Too many things to worry about.
585: Get Out of Public!
Episode 585: We just got back from Cleveland and hit record. Why were we there? Would you like to know more? What happened to the rope swing? Who rode the boat tube this week? Does Andrew have a grandchild? B&G have a two hour cocktail party; Puke refuses to participate. How loud are weddings in…
584: You Could Make a Horse Out Of Balloons
Episode 584: Puke is back from a trip to Niagara Falls. How tall? How wide? How many family? Who Superman? Andrew’s Grandpa just wants to be left alone. Brett eats Len & Larry’s. A trap was set for Puke’s mother. Will Andrew buy a new car? Gabriela is a having a party and it’s going…
583: Hey Boy, Would You Like A Place To Sleep Tonight?
Episode 583: Andrew and Brett break into Puke’s house while he’s away to record a show. Debate about the heights of buildings ensues. Andrew tries Lucky Charms oatmeal. The PGH Vintage Grand Prix. Brett may be injures again. Hiring a boy. What is a bed derby? Why is it so easy to get only insane…
582: Nothing Better Is Coming
Episode 582: No one agrees on the color of Puke’s shirt. Brett gets his own computer, hilarity ensues. Beans and sardines on a plane. Montana. Debating oats and granola. The Dutch make the most disgusting liquorice. Succotash. Bison vs Elk. Are 9/11 holograms real? Brett ruins the show with Fonzi videos. Which ethnic groups count…
581: The Only People Going To See It Is Me… and That Boy
Episode 581: PGH gets the Canadian smoke! Puke gets mad at the whiners because he’s experienced real pollution when he was in Pakistan. Andrew gets the drywall. Darshan bidi cigarettes. Is the Ohio river valley really that bad? Fuck windmills! But not the ones from “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”. Mattress height. Andrew deals with a…
580: What Animal Does Marshmallow Come From?
Episode 580: Brett and Gabe join us this week to share a special announcement! Andrew realizes that men get old and only talk about their various pains. We try Mexican wheat wafers. Debate ensues about ox tail, candy corn, marshmallows, Lucky Charms, and licorice. Our PATG plungers are still at Porcfest! Puke passes on the…
579: Rollercoaster of Failure
Episode 579: NEW timer! Puke and Nick have the new website and new podcast feed ready to go. Andrew wants to tell kids to not get old. Puke is old though so he plays disc golf. Kayaks. T-Swift is in PGH. The liberal reign is over. Kaczynski is dead. A man that cuts hair and…
578: Explain Why They Would Want Us Jerking Off. (What’s In It For Them?)
Episode 578: Puke kind of deleted the website. However with Nick’s help we now have a new site which needed to be fixed anyway. Andrew finds Puke’s Army BCG glasses. Brett learns what a lathe is. Andrew buys yet another old car and a trailer. Brett goes Hare Krishna. Salt.
577: Beyond Fluffhood
Episode 577: There was time when Andrew discovered fluff. Bagels. Puke grills chicken. Big bowls and big salads. Brett eats slower. Basal Metabolic Rate. Crepes. Puke found a good use for AI. Andrew is getting old and getting tired. Powerpoint karaoke. Facebook shows Andrew attractive actresses. Memorial Day weekend amnesia. Poop deck.