556: I’m Not Eating Pepperoni and Going To Bed! I’m Eating Pepperoni and Going To Work.
Episode 556: We’re back from the break! Bullets, snacks, finding a bar for New Year’s Eve! Brett sees a kiss in Hershey, PA. How to pronounce “Ye”. Is it cake? New Hampshire Christmas with Brett’s family. A new car. Ruined sleep. Biological classifications. Lewd-sounding town names. A return to the gym. Andrew gets offended by…
555: Climb Kount Milimanjaro
Episode 555: Six people podcast! Andrew wants Penguins box-seats. Brett hates Tom Hanks stand-up comedy. Cortisol spikes after the Poliquin Shock Method workout. Everyone has some sort of medical ailment. Drew puts in the hard work to improve himself. Various national anthems. Andrew has a stow-away in his Miata. Helping Larry move extremely heavy things…
554: Skipping Butthole Day
Episode 554: Brett has decided on his new car. Andrew gets a thousand spam calls. Puke says Pittsburbs. How to get a Mercedes loaner. Right turns. Andrew wants to buy an alpaca farm. Larry needs help in the bathroom. Put a chip in your head. Gym women, hot gym men, new gym routines. Was Alexa…
553: The Boy Who Didn’t Wipe Good
Episode 553: PGH needs more troll stories. Russian hard-bass. Brett needs sleep. Andrew is taking smelly pills for the gains. Who is the Liver King? Women at the gym. Keto Pop-Tarts. A boy gets kidnapped at a day-camp. The latest crypto collapse. Was that a zebra, a goat, or a sheep? The new Elvis movie…
552: Habubleh of the Seas
Episode 552: We have Chinese for Thanksgiving and Gabriela’s birthday. Is pizza worth it? What is borborygmus? Andrew keeps getting sexualized game ads. Mah…noor. The Colorado gay-club shooter used our defense tactic. Brett is a DJ. Puke fixes an iPad. Women need to stop yelling at old men. Puke goes to a museum filled with…
551: Dinner at Stinky’s
Episode 551: We’re back after 2 weeks of being sick. Did Andrew’s healthy eating lead to sickness? Is Stinky’s Bar a good place to get imitation crab? Movie reviews! The Way, Way Back, Weird Al, Young Guns 2, Mom & Dad. Snakes and spiders. Trump lovers. Car accidents. The latest crypto scandal. Tits are a…
550: I’m Voting For the Handmaid’s Tale
Episode 550: Definitely the worst show we’ve ever done. Banjo music, Deliverance movie scenes, singing lessons, and karaoke for a cacophonous tableau of suffering. Then we debate voting and Hulk Hogan. Andrew thinks he sees a Bald Eagle and gets scared.
549: CTRL+F the N-Word
Episode 549: Brett missed school working on the slitter. Who has school spirit? Is that contrarian or conformist? Finding religion. The Fetterman / Oz debate. Puke steps on a nail. Bio-Freeze. A drunken accident. Is it an S212 or a W212 Mercedes? Voting debate. Black man listens to soul music at the diner. Soul karaoke.
548 Ham Dads
Episode 548: Brett has a snake retraction. Does Andrew hate crawdads or crawfish? Homonym or homophone? Deer attack! Bear attack! Shark attack! Throwing Momma from a train. Latin root quiz. Dumb shower thoughts from Puke about autonomous cars and drinking. Andrew helps Brett decide on a new car. Mercedes, Volvo, Buick, Mazda, or minivan? BREAKING…
547: Snake Maps
Episode 547: Markers and pencils. Parties and weddings. Lakes and oceans. How many Cottonmouth/Water Moccasin snakes are there in the world and how many people die every year? The Grateful Dead. Supplements. Andrew dreams of death. The NYC nuclear bomb PSA. Poe’s Law. Pfizer revelation. Having a huka date. Alex Jones makes Andrew enraged when…
546: I Think There Is Going To Be Some AIDS
Episode 546: It’s the end of September and Puke is now officially old. We debate hibernation, piss-ghosts, bear facts, and womb-mates. Trailer reviews of “Precious”, “The Dilemma”, and “Brawl In Cell Block 99”. Someone is hit by another car. Puke has a spate of roadkill tragedies. Andrew looks at Cincinnati from Kentucky. We need to…
545: Piss Ghost
Episode 545: Stay awake Sunday night as long as you can. To hell with Monday! Andrew and Brett explore a house filled with many terrifying treasures. Was there a raccoon under a mountain of pizza boxes? Was there poo on the comic books? Does pee soaked into the floor boards remain forever as a piss-ghost?
544: 3 Eggs, Scrambled… With Some Feta Cheese, and I Slice Some Tomatoes On Top While Makin’ Bacon In the Oven. I Make a Side Salad.
Episode 544: Disturbing dreams of celebrities. What is a dollop? A life of nuts and sausage. Is space fake? How far away is Uranus? Stromboli. A Japanese meat slicer. Waffles. Puke finds a shit-pit. The most level-one date. The kids are into Kaczynski now.
543: Haggis, Haggis, Beans and Faggis
Episode 543: Ear-Rape and the Gang. Puke has many tales of woe regarding his house projects. Brett has too much trash. Oriental Stranded Bored. Andrew will autocross his rebuilt Miata. The Queen of England died. But even more tragic, Butler, PA legend Paul Gaudino also died. Where do fingernail clippings go?
542: The “Things” Category of Being
Episode 542: Can you hear numbers in notes? No, you can’t. The cricket was found. Invisible tuna is in the house. Andrew goes to the Poconos, then Connecticut for a 12 hour endurance race. Did he win? Did he crash? Did he pee?
541: Bukake Holocasut
Episode 541: Danny & Alice are here to ruin PGH for Andrew. Brett touches Steven Tyler’s scarf. Pronouns. Narcissism. Externalizing the solution. Andrew helps an annoying hobo lady. The Gipper! The new Pinocchio movie with Tom Hanks. Corn. Boxed lasagna. DALL-E AI art generator.
540: Droptical Illusion
Episode 540: Brett went the worst places from his younger years in Vermont. A pallet of cigarettes. Ayn Rand novels. Puke has his worst number SNAFU. What makes stickers possible? The groundhog shadow knows. Chad vs Brad. Puke leaves work. Brett eats nachos. Andrew over-napped and had a dream.
539: Dungeoneers
Episode 539: We realize that we’ve become a prop-show. Puke buys too many airsoft guns. You have to shoot your friends. Producers and consumers. The Classic South Carolina Sunset. Pirates. Bubble tea. Angel or Devil food cake? A two story Taco Bell.
538: Kung Poo!
Episode 538: We get called “city folk” in a dive bar. Glitter liquor. Naked Ninja Warrior. Gold prospecting. How revolvers work. Don’t shoot at the neighbors! What makes an actress attractive? How much money to eat poop? Did you get the vaccine? Eating bugs.
537: Brunch Happens. Does it Though?
Episode 537: Eleven years! Why can’t vegans eat eggs? What is brunch? Zzzquil. Andrew dreams of roller-coasters. Movie trailers for Toys, Speed, and The Dark Knight. Andrew has his own groundhog encounter. Granules. Lego.