
Category: podcast

  • 536: You Missed

    536: You Missed

    Episode 536: We get a surprise gift from an old man! Our hard-drive is full. Andrew doesn’t have to be vaccinated when his family needs something from him. Midnight seltzer. Every animal in North America is attacking Puke’s house. The joy of bug zappers. Pittsburgh’s most famous 80’s rocker was at a cigar bar.

  • 535: Best Show To Be On, Worst Show To Listen To

    535: Best Show To Be On, Worst Show To Listen To

    Episode 535: Do you like cacophony? We bring the cacophony. Surprises are revealed throughout the show that bring great delight to us, and probably misery to you. Toys, delta 8, instruments, Danny needs a speech. What is alcohol? The homeless invading PGH, kill the rich, bosses, John Titor, and much more!

  • 534: The Aardvark Was the Midpoint

    534: The Aardvark Was the Midpoint

    Episode 534: Poo-Man’s podcast war. An animal identification test. Should we open a Portmanschool? Being asked about vax status. Andrew’s stair autism. A boat ride disaster. Puke leaves a boat like George Costanza. Snake battle. Flowers in the bathroom.

  • 533: Luckiest Moments In Sports

    533: Luckiest Moments In Sports

    Episode 533: Abortion debate! Who is the Fresh Prince? Puke is gonna start prepping for the economic collapse. BEANS! Gaylords. For no reason, the luckiest moments in sports! Andrew disagrees with Puke tipping a pizza shop. We went to Nitro Circus to see crazies do flips. Andy Warhol eats a burger. What is the longest…

  • 532: Vegetables Bitch! Figure It Out!

    532: Vegetables Bitch! Figure It Out!

    Episode 532: We started drinking 6 hours before the show. Apologies to those that can hear. Father’s Day BBQ. Andrew’s nearly 3000 mile Miata cruise through the Smoky Mountains. Puke sands his deck off.

  • 531: Enough of the Sweet Pies and On To the Meat Pies, Right Guys?

    531: Enough of the Sweet Pies and On To the Meat Pies, Right Guys?

    Episode 531: Sausage problems and pickle jars. The Offer. Kinds of pies. Foxes eating eggs. Puke destroys his deck. Andrew in Denver, the worst place of the future. Puke’s work mask defiance. Giant Eagle grocery stores can fuck right off. Gun vs Car debate.

  • 530: Enough Race Stuff! How Was Your Weekend?

    530: Enough Race Stuff! How Was Your Weekend?

    Episode 530: Brett calls his brother. Puke battles the birds. When should you unwind? AMBER ALERT! Headphones. Why is Andrew a grey mannequin? Dinner with Andre predicts the future. Where is the midwest? Bad meat debate.

  • 529: Punch Me Blacky

    529: Punch Me Blacky

    Episode 529: Brett is back from Florida and Texas. Which is the best state? Texas history, culture, weather, and sites. Puke researches African countries and Mauritius Island in the Indian Ocean. How many Colorado Rivers are there? Sick on the sidewalk. The fridge is dying so Puke drilled holes in it. Raging Bull and other…

  • 528: Ultrasemites

    528: Ultrasemites

    Episode 528: Andrew and Puke played ping-pong and got drunk before starting the show. We apologize to those that can hear. Mothers, Joe Pera, Razorbacks game call, a loud man. Which hockey player does Andrew look like? Donkey Xote, Anaconda, a real snake, riding mower pride, lightning. Puke gets angry at dust, Andrew nearly dies…

  • 527: Not Your Superior Caucasoid

    527: Not Your Superior Caucasoid

    Episode 527: Let’s buy hearing aids and sunglasses. Where did the best whites come from? Pittsburgh ABNB shooting. Are the cops to blame? Crypto and stocks crash. New backpack for few underwear. TIME magazines from the (alleged) moon landing.

  • 526: 1-1001, Wipe; 1-1002, Wipe

    526: 1-1001, Wipe; 1-1002, Wipe

    Episode 526: We’re back from Ohio! And Portugal. We see a super-rare Miata and Andrew’s new engine. A visit to depressing New Kensington, PA. Pronouns. Driving like it’s 1997. COVID test disaster. Joe Pera. Mask free flying. When did Andrew poop?

  • 525: We Do Apologize To Anyone That Can Hear

    525: We Do Apologize To Anyone That Can Hear

    Episode 525: Have you ever wanted a Portmansheau musical? No? Too bad! We have a delightful new game of randomly singing our stories now. Hence the name of this episode. Groundhog war, baby squirrels, curly fries, fantasy stripping, Andrew Huberman, Mike Tyson, Anaconda, LS400.

  • 524: Crab Divorce

    524: Crab Divorce

    Episode 524: Nick Pecone reveals the world of black women’s hair via a Chris Rock documentary that no one has talked about post “slap”. Andrew doesn’t get his phone fixed. Elon Musk isn’t a good-guy. Spotify is garbage. What is a tapestry? GI distress. Nostril distress.

  • 523: The Worst People In the World Hardly Exist

    523: The Worst People In the World Hardly Exist

    Episode 523: Is putty a plot to ruin the show? Flat Earth debate. Are we allowed to go to Antarctica? DAVOs daily YouTube videos are insane! Deaf history month is a thing. Would you prefer deaf or blind? Andrew goes to see The Slackers again. Are the groundhogs winning the battle or is Puke? Andrew…

  • 522: The Night of a Thousand Farts

    522: The Night of a Thousand Farts

    Episode 522: Pong-bot Alexa powered bluetooth robot. The slippery slope of slippers. Gaming the credit card companies. Portugal. Binaural Beats. Pastrami and Corned Beef differences. Hamburger helper days. Puke is at war with groundhogs. Recognizing our cognitive bias in regards to news stories. No more masks.

  • 521: The Most Extreme Circumstances of Your Butt

    521: The Most Extreme Circumstances of Your Butt

    Episode 521: We dive deep into uncomfortable subjects involving our bodies most disgusting parts, processes, and problems. Butts, kidneys, ear wax, poops. All the hits from your childhood and beyond!

  • 520: Woke Wash

    520: Woke Wash

    Episode 520: JFK assassination theories. Poorly stored meat. Pizza cheese and cheese on pizza. Puke officially owns his house now. When does the wind blow most? The way it juiced to be, pulp that is. Puke buys all the seltzer. Pallets of beer. The dark side of the 90’s. Beverley Hills 90210. Andrew watches a…

  • 519: Nobody Knows What a Zebra’s Like

    519: Nobody Knows What a Zebra’s Like

    Episode 519: We review the movie “Don’t Look Up” and it’s ridiculous one dimensional caricatures of the so-called “science denier. Apparently it’s a good movie when you realize how silly the premise is in relation to current events. Biden says the dumbest things about inflation. Andrew talks about “The Revenant” blink controversy. What is the…

  • 518: No Man Can Get These Pants Off of My Hips

    518: No Man Can Get These Pants Off of My Hips

    Episode 518: An upset occurs on the Puke-Pong table. Learning the rules and tricks of ping-pong. Ladies of pong. The monkey foot. Andrew finds a portmanteau group. Brett’s review of Demolition Man. More 90’s movies. Ukraine opinions. Oil Prices. Andrew never waits in line. Fancy steak house. Farts. Slipper addiction. Puke realizes he should be…

  • 517: Happy As a Clam In Ceviche

    517: Happy As a Clam In Ceviche

    Episode 517: We once again delve into 90’s nostalgia with the TV show, Pete & Pete. Andrew doesn’t know what vitamin D is. Brett has a salad disaster. We moved the largest dining table any of us have ever seen, including a massive sheet of glass. Brett and Gabriela go on a cross Florida trip…