516: Almost Never Not Had an Egg McMuffin I Didn’t Like
Episode 516: Andrew goes nuts with the mixer effects. What are Bison? Not gonna dance with wolves. Dorito Hate. Why do older women buy Hummel Figurines. Chocolate. Olympics crash videos. Football is boring. Andrew loses $100 to Nick. Myron Cope is the best football announcer ever. Crypto, is it too late? Diabeetus Coin.
515: Tee Too-in
Episode 515: Andrew travels to the past to warn Puke and Brett about the most dangerous weapon; honking. Trailer reviews of all the best 90’s movies: Demolition Man, Copland, T-2, Jingle All The Way, & Cool Runnings. Who is the best? Schwarzenegger or Stallone? 90’s fashion trends. Chick-Fil-A. Yoga. Closets of CD’s. The Canadian trucker…
514: I Did An Accident
Episode 514: There were many types of Luminas. How to sit as a man. Car door ding denials. Buffetts are back! The madness of masks. A big tinfoil-hat conspiracy. They caught that monkey! Mango pudding. Crabby goo. Quiznos rat sub commercial. Nicolas Cage.
513: Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey
Episode 513: Complaining about the various types of shower-heads and how they might kill you. Andrew goes for a ruck. Puke’s worst album artwork is his best. Dudley Moore. A truck full of monkeys crashes on its way to a lab. A bridge collapses in Pittsburgh during Biden’s visit. Infrastructure. Trains. Miami. Busses. Gooski’s. Ping-pong.
512: James Edelweiss Schmill
Episode 512: We’ve started a fire of dead birds in the studio. Brett and Andrew learn about bird names. Andrew has to use car insurance for the first time. The Circle movie review. dragging people behind cars for fun. The Elk’s Club. Ping-Pong. Andrew gets hacked. Losing interest in technology because it’s ruining everything. Have…
511: Thou Shalt Not Covid Thy Neighbor’s Wife
Episode 511: A snowstorm hits Pittsburgh and Andrew is late. Brett had a cold. Snow tires. Updates to the studio. Puke wants a pool table, Andrew argues ping pong is better. VR ping pong. Boston. Andrew disappointed to find only sushi at a sushi restaurant. Football.
510: Skip To the Part Where You Die
Episode 510: How’s the weather? Then it goes downhill from there. Andrew sees more cops and feels less free in NH. A retarded man tells us to fuck off. Puke’s car gets damaged. Brett loves model trains. Workplace injuries. Planet fitness hate. When is the sunrise. Brett and Andrew try to do math to figure…
509: It’s Pronounced Chupacabra
Episode 509: Happy New Year! Do you remember drinks with chewy bubbles in them? Micheal Keaton. Andrew visits a bar that “King Pin” was filmed at. Will the CRV get better soon? What is thrust alignment? Movies were better before 9/11. Top Gun! Yellowstone! Beandana? Salad gifts for Brett. The rocketbook. Phishing emails. Andrew is…
508: Pittsburgh, Hello! … and Beware of the Nanowires!
Episode 508: Merry Christmas! Sorry for the bad audio. Brett is in NH and about to visit Boston. Andrew likes living in horse country. The “science” of weighted blankets. VR mini-golf and ping-pong. Q-amom. What does “based” even mean? Andrew ruins his back. Puke rants about taxes, Andrew rants about Puke’s rant. Fearful people are…
507: Do You Have a Pen Or What?
Episode 507: What is the lowest scoring football game? COVID signs trying to be cute. How to spell some Polish guys name. Elites can’t control the information. B & G go to the wrong bar. Xmas gifts from Gabriela. Andrew goes to Miami and parties like a rock star. There was a buffet! Yacht. No…
506: Space Marine Thunderhawk Gunship
Episode 506: We just got back from the gym and didn’t fill the trough. What is horchata? Andrew likes being called “Mister”. The bodybuilder toothbrush. Rage against the GrubHub. Owen or Luke Wilson? Don Jon. Andrew’s sewer is clogged again. Puke water heater is dead. Go pee in the yard. Andrew again interrogates and berates…
505: El Pollo Asesino
Episode 505: Andrew and Alex are back from Nicaragua. Shocking news about Puke’s cold last week. Brett goes to a tarot card reading. We start a new gang called the Scrabbly Bois. What is a henge? Chicken assassination. Alex takes too long to buy art. Andrew almost fights a Nica trying to scam him. How…
504: Underground Lesbian Tunnels
Episode 504: Puke is filled with mouse poop dust after the move. Hunters are everywhere around the new studio. Brett prepared a full Thanksgiving feast and doxxes his whole family. There are too many seltzers. Dinner with angry feminists. How are people living in different realties? Are the hypnotized? The Omicron variant is coming to…
503: Just Retarded
Episode 503: We finally have a new studio in an unfinished basement. It’s been a crazy week of moving. The mannequin and podium are back! There are rugs hanging from the ceiling. What name will Danny and Alice choose? Did Andrew get hit on by a Scottish man?
502: Up Tits
Episode 502: Portmansheau is on the move again. The Butler basement studio is gone and awaiting its new home. In the meantime, we are recording at Brett’s sexy lounge style studio on a casting couch. Nacho dinner. Andrew is homeless with many homes. Matthew Lesko. Spork. What is a neck gator? We have a listener…
501: Stop the Rimming
Episode 501: Puke is making too much noise in the gym, but so are the teens. Different ways to try intermittent fasting and other bio-hacking. Pizza Twist! Seinfeld is Andrew’s guide to life. Are we entering a “Fourth Turning” of humanity? Trundle Manor. Andrew’s back is broken again. Why don’t we eat more lamb? PUMP!
499: Paper Mâché Comedy
Episode 499: An angry man sends emails. Should men use emojis? Gabriela goes to a climbing gym. Andrew discovers Seinfeld memes. Dune. Trying to explain what this show is to a stranger. What is blue comedy? Crypto rants from Andrew. Everything Puke loves is under attack. The fourth largest Amish community in the world. Puke’s…
498: How the Cat Turd Was Smoked…How the Cat Turd Was Smoked?
Episode 498: The animals are pooping. Squirrels have bluetooth. Why are poor people so loud? A haunted hayride. TDZ was disrupted by a tornado over Butler. We tour a house made to survive Y2K. A head injury at work. Smoking cat turds.
497: If You Jizz On Something, It Doesn’t Mean You’re Done With It
Episode 497: Andrew is back and we find out why he was gone. Was it his hatred of musicals? Or his love of Pittsburgh stairs? Are food shortages coming? What are the best paper towels? Puke gets great seats for the Pittsburgh Penguins home opener game. Brett sees “Sweet Girl” and “My Octopus Teacher”. Chipmunks…
496: Piss Fish
Episode 496: Pittsburgh loses a bird. German Christmas ornaments. Movies! Garbage modern art. The Johnstown Flood. Did Brett give out his phone number? Is that how he got hacked? Hanging with BBQ guys. Puke gets obsessed with NFT’s. Salad dressing.